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The Legend of the Tides

"While fishing in a mythical version pf ancient Japan, two fishermen discover a magical artefact. Depending on intended use, can either help them on their trip or destroy their lives." 


A 2D animated short film for all ages

























 In my third year at Falmouth University on the Animation & VFX course, we were able to either create or aid in pitching a film idea to a panel of judges ,which if then chosen would move into the preproduction phase. Two of the four films I had attached myself to were greenlit, and one of those being 'The Legend of the Tides'.


















 The preproduction development period for this particular production was unexpected and insightful. Initially we had pitched an animation style that was exceptionally naturalistic and detailed animation style and movement. However, we soon discovered that practically it was not realistic and would hinder the flow of the pipeline. So we then shifted the style direction into one based on Japanese ink  paintings making the overall look become more experimental and abstract.


This film is currently still in production.


Poster Concept by Mathea Beritsdatter Pedersen


Original animation style concept by Mathea Beritsdatter Pedersen

New animation style concept by Mathea Beritsdatter Pedersen

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